Stay Safe

Dear Friends and Customers,

Firstly, the most important thing is that we hope you and your families and friends are safe and well. We wanted to inform you and clarify our working situation, and to confirm we are still open for business to fulfill orders and quotations.

We are working in line with COVID-19 regulations. The regulations demand that extra care needs to be taken on the premises, including our warehouse.

All orders are very much welcome and we understand its due to families staying at home, that the demand on games and toys has increased. Communication in these troubling times is vital, so we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know our current status:

• We have reasonable stocks of some products. We also have orders in transit from Germany and the UK. We’ll try to contact you about possible delays.
• Do go online to our website to place your order, or if you are having problems call us on 059 – 914 86 05. We will do our best to deal with your call.
So, keep safe, you are all very much valued by us and we look forward to some normality hopefully in the near future.

With Kind Regards,

Sabine & Damian McGrath



Most deliveries will continue to be done via Fastway Couriers, our preferred carriers.
They advise:
• Fastway have commissioned a dedicated response team to guide our employees and franchisees through precautionary measures to limit potential exposure to the virus. Fastway uphold the highest compliance standards and have ensured that all couriers and staff are trained and equipped to operate to the highest sanitation and hygiene levels. Fastway’s response team raised our emergency response level, which now includes a contactless delivery protocol to reduce the potential contamination of hand-held scanning devices. These measures have been introduced to ensure we can continue to offer a smooth and controlled delivery service to you and your customers.
Until further notice Fastway is operating a full delivery and returns service to all parts of Ireland, both North and South.

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